
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on marraskuu, 2021.

Emotions and everyday life in relation to sustainability transitions

  Panu Pihkala, Ph.D. Adjunct Professor of Environmental Theology (Title of Docent), University of Helsinki, Finland   For the Futures Committee of the Finnish Parliament A hearing of experts, Sustainability Transitions in everyday life 11th June 2021   VNS 3/2020 vp Valtioneuvoston selonteko kestävän kehityksen globaalista toimintaohjelmasta Agenda2030:sta Kohti hiilineutraalia hyvinvointiyhteiskuntaa [The Finnish Government and the UN Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development]     Emotions and everyday life in relation to sustainability transitions   Various psychological and social factors contribute to sustainability transitions in everyday life. Psychosocial research that looks at these factors is an internationally emerging multidisciplinary field of research. [1] Included are complex questions about change, motivation, and decision-making. In short, people want a way out of feelings of guilt and desire an experience of social ac...