Lists of ecological emotion words
The following lists have been developed and used by eco-anxiety researcher Panu Pihkala, Ph.D. They have been used both in educational settings and in sessions about psychological well-being. Please note that these are not comprehensive lists. All kinds of feelings and emotions may have dimensions related to environmental issues and experiences. For further reading, see the handbooks of ecological emotions by Panu Pihkala (2019, in Finnish: Mieli maassa? Ympäristötunteet ) and Glenn Albrecht (2019, Earth Emotions ). Lists that are used in environmental education, communication, and psychology should be edited to suit the context that they are used in. It is always a good idea to ask people to invent words themselves for ecological emotions. List 1: common ecological emotions care compassion frustration anger sadness curiosity relief joy shock overwhelm fear anxiety worry sense of belonging confusion awe wonder guilt melancho...